In a bold move to capture a larger market share in the 1.5L segment, Mirinda introduced a substantial price reduction, lowering the cost from 8.90 MAD to an attractive 7 MAD. However, the challenge lay in effectively communicating this offer to a family-oriented audience in semi-rural areas, a demographic distinct from the brand’s previous Gen Z focus.

“We were really stressed and excited to unfold a new communication tactic for families and still keep the crazy vibe we offer Genz, we were seeking consistency” Ayoub, Brand Manager VBM Morocco.

Mirinda, known for its offbeat, crazy, and fun brand identity, faced the challenge of pivoting its communication approach to cater to a new target audience without losing the unique and vibrant tone that defined the brand. The solution lay in the brand’s core platform, « TBIRINDISME, » a fusion of « Tbered » and « Mirinda, » encapsulating the idea of « going crazy after drinking Mirinda. »

To engage the new target audience effectively, we needed to integrate them into this platform through a relatable insight. The insight revolved around the contemporary issue of disconnectedness in an age of constant digital distractions. In Moroccan households, people of all ages were becoming increasingly absorbed in their phones, leading to a disconnect from one another. Mirinda’s mission was to bring them together through a « tbirindism moment. »

The creative execution, « BACH TBIRINDA LGELSSA, » was born out of a careful study of various communication strategies, both within and outside the beverage category. While traditional « chaabi » music was the norm for many brands, it was not suitable for a brand like Mirinda, which prides itself on its unconventional and lively character. Instead, they chose to incorporate the widely recognized term « LGELSSA, » meaning a gathering, and « BIRINDIZED » it. This transformation added a playful and unique touch, perfectly aligning with Mirinda’s brand identity.

Mirinda’s « BACH TBIRINDA LGELSSA » campaign aimed to create a sense of togetherness, encouraging people to put their phones aside and engage in fun and memorable gatherings. The playful and offbeat nature of the campaign exemplified Mirinda’s commitment to being an enabler of joyful moments in the lives of its customers.

“We wanted to offer an innovative approach to ads designed for C2D family targets, it’s usually songs, or quite ressemblate campaigns. We wanted to show a moroccan family having fun the Mirinda way.” Sara, Creative director Brand Builder.

By infusing the unique brand identity into every aspect of the campaign, we succeeded in reaching out to a new family-oriented audience while staying true to their « offbeat, crazy, and fun » essence. « BACH TBIRINDA LGELSSA » not only represented a price reduction but a call to revive genuine connections and celebrate moments of pure delight, making Mirinda the brand of choice for those seeking shared, memorable experiences.

An amazing and creative campaign isn’t only aesthetic, but it should be effective and answers the brand objectives, and « BACH TBIRINDA L’GUELSSA » did! During the campaign period, MIRINDA was running out of stock every time!


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